Running the Cache Simulator

To launch drcachesim, use the -t flag to drrun and specify the drmemtrace framework where the default tool to run is the cache simulator:

$ bin64/drrun -t drmemtrace -- /path/to/target/app <args> <for> <app>

The target application will be launched under a DynamoRIO tracer client that gathers all of its memory references and passes them to the simulator via a pipe. (See Offline Traces and Analysis for how to dump a trace for offline analysis.) Any child processes will be followed into and profiled, with their memory references passed to the simulator as well.

Here is an example:

$ bin64/drrun -t drmemtrace -- ~/test/pi_estimator
Estimation of pi is 3.142425985001098
---- <application exited with code 0> ----
Cache simulation results:
Core #0 (1 thread(s))
L1I stats:
Hits: 258,433
Misses: 1,148
Miss rate: 0.44%
L1D stats:
Hits: 93,654
Misses: 2,624
Prefetch hits: 458
Prefetch misses: 2,166
Miss rate: 2.73%
Core #1 (1 thread(s))
L1I stats:
Hits: 8,895
Misses: 99
Miss rate: 1.10%
L1D stats:
Hits: 3,448
Misses: 156
Prefetch hits: 26
Prefetch misses: 130
Miss rate: 4.33%
Core #2 (1 thread(s))
L1I stats:
Hits: 4,150
Misses: 101
Miss rate: 2.38%
L1D stats:
Hits: 1,578
Misses: 130
Prefetch hits: 25
Prefetch misses: 105
Miss rate: 7.61%
Core #3 (0 thread(s))
LL stats:
Hits: 1,414
Misses: 2,844
Prefetch hits: 824
Prefetch misses: 1,577
Local miss rate: 66.79%
Child hits: 370,667
Total miss rate: 0.76%